Protester Shoved Around at Trump Rally in Louisville

Epoch Newsroom

A video of a Donald Trump rally held in Louisville, KY, shows a crowd pushing a black protester around as she walks by.

At one point in the video the girl tells one of the men pushing her “don’t touch me.” The video was taken by local broadcaster WLKY.

Don't hurt them, see if I say go get them I get in trouble with the press.
Donald Trump

The rally, where Trump was introduced by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, was attended by thousands and interrupted several times by protesters both inside and outside of the Kentucky International Convention Center.

“Don’t hurt them, see if I say go get them I get in trouble with the press, the most dishonest human beings in the world,” Trump said as the protesters were being escorted out.

“If I say don’t hurt them, then the press says that Trump isn’t as tough as he used to be.”

Protests at Trump rallies have become a regular occurrence. On Monday a group of 30 black students were removed from a Turmp rally at a state university in Georgia. “We didn’t plan to do anything,” Tahjila Davis, a 19-year-old mass media major, told the Des Moines Register.