Protect Your Home While on Vacation

Going on a vacation is loads of fun—you can recuperate your mind and body and have interesting experiences abroad. But being away for any period of time puts your home at risk for being burglarized, which is sure to ruin any vacation.
Protect Your Home While on Vacation
Install a reliable alarm system while away from your home. (

Going on a vacation is loads of fun—you can recuperate your mind and body and have interesting experiences abroad. But being away for any period of time puts your home at risk for being burglarized, which is sure to ruin any vacation. But don’t unpack your bags yet!

Here’s what you can do to protect your home when you’re away.

Don’t Advertise That You'll Be Away
Never announce to everyone you know about the impending plans. Sure, you trust your friends and loved ones, but broadcasting it on social media means that information may reach strangers who will take advantage of the fact that you’re away.

If you change your voicemail, don’t indicate that you’re away, for that will also tip off anyone who calls that the house will be empty for an undisclosed period of time.

Inform Only Trusted People
If you'll be gone for a long time, ask a trusted friend or neighbour to check on your house from time to time. If you live in a neighbourhood with a watch group, ask them to keep an eye on your home.

Stop Deliveries and Mail Subscriptions
Piles of newspapers and mails on your porch are the first sign that the homeowner is away. Before going on a vacation, ask your post office or courier service to hold onto the mail, or give them an alternative address to which to deliver your mail and packages.

Remove Your Outdoor Spare Key
Do you keep a spare key under the rug in front of your front door? Perhaps you have another secret space to stash that key. Burglars have experience and will know where to look for that hidden key. Remove the key and give it to a trusted friend or neighbour for safekeeping.

Lock Your Doors and Windows
How often do you open the windows in your home and forget to lock the latch from the inside? Before leaving for that well-deserved vacation, take a walk through the house to ensure all doors and windows are locked. Small windows can function as an entry point into your home and you want to minimize the places where someone can access your home.

Keep Your Valuables in a Safe Place
If you’re leaving valuables behind, like car keys or jewelry, never leave them in plain sight. Leave these valuables with a relative who can put them away for you while you’re gone. If that’s not a possibility, consider renting a safety deposit box at your bank to store your valuables.

Don’t Put Your Address on Your Luggage Tag
Isn’t that the whole purpose of the luggage tag? But instead of putting your address down, why not include your name, cellphone number, and email address? It’s still your private information and a way of getting into contact with you without notifying people of where you live, which keeps your home safe.

Give the Illusion That Someone is Home
Just because you’re away doesn’t mean your house has to sit looking empty! Make it look like you’re home by leaving curtains drawn as you normally would. Have a neighbour mow the lawn to make it look like nothing has changed. If you’re leaving in the winter season, consider hiring a professional to shovel your driveway.

Install a Light Switch Timer
Give the illusion that your house isn’t sitting empty by installing a light switch timer. Program the lights to turn on and off to your desired schedule. No one will suspect a thing.

Install a Reliable Alarm System
No matter how hard you work to protect your home while you’re away, sometimes these efforts aren’t enough. It’s worth exploring installing a reliable alarm system. They’re built with consumers in mind: most of them have security cameras that enable you to see what’s happening in and around your home online. Being able to monitor remotely will give you peace of mind wherever you are.

Want to leave you home safe and sound? We can help you achieve some peace of mind. Check out our database of home security professionals who can prepare your home accordingly.

Article originally published by EiEi Home Inc. For more information on articles, reviews, and contractors in your area, please see their website at