Protect IP Could Have Far-reaching Impact on Digital Freedom

A bill designed to help stop the decline of the U.S. entertainment industry by preventing sharing and streaming of video content online could have far reaching implications for major websites and the everyday Internet user.
Protect IP Could Have Far-reaching Impact on Digital Freedom
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1799489" title="INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Hackers from the French Degenerescience association visit the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. A new bill, Protect IP could impact users's ability to access websites that includes or links to copyright infringing material. (Philippe Huguen/Getty Images)" src="" alt="INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Hackers from the French Degenerescience association visit the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. A new bill, Protect IP could impact users's ability to access websites that includes or links to copyright infringing material. (Philippe Huguen/Getty Images)" width="320"/></a>
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Hackers from the French Degenerescience association visit the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. A new bill, Protect IP could impact users's ability to access websites that includes or links to copyright infringing material. (Philippe Huguen/Getty Images)
A bill designed to help stop the decline of the U.S. entertainment industry by preventing sharing and streaming of video content online could have far reaching implications for major websites and the everyday Internet user. As all users of the Internet are aware, HTML links are the very basis of how we navigate our way across the Web. If a bill that is currently being scrutinized by the U.S. government comes into force, however, you may want to think twice about what you link to. The Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 (PROTECT IP) focuses on websites that include or link to copyright infringing content. It would give the U.S. Department of Justice the power to seek a court order against an allegedly infringing website, and then “expeditiously” render the website invisible by demanding “information location tools,” defined as a “directory, index, reference, pointer, or hypertext link,” according to the bill. In simple terms this means if you searched for a site on Google that, for example, hosted a leaked government document, it would not show up in Google’s results. More specifically, this act would make hosting a link on a website to pirated copyrighted content illegal even if the content wasn’t actually hosted on that website. The act will also give courts the right to order the website hosting the link to remove the link or be shutdown completely, without notification. This means that websites such as YouTube and even the search engine giants such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing could come under huge pressure to completely change the infrastructure of their search business and start censoring searches. PROTECT IP is the revised successor to the failed COICA bill (2010) which was originally introduced by U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy and backed by a large swathe of U.S. entertainment industry bodies, not least of all by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). On the opposing side, Senator Ron Wyden was largely accountable for preventing a full vote on COICA in the Senate. Wyden stated in a press release, “COICA’s at-all-costs approach to protecting intellectual property would have inflicted collateral damage on the foundations of the Internet, trampled free speech, stifled innovation and given license to foreign regimes to further censor the Internet for political and commercial purposes. The costs far outweighed the benefits.” Critics of the bill say it violates human rights and would damper the U.S. government’s ability call for global Internet freedom. An open letter from nine organizations including Human Rights Watch and Reporters without borders, regarding COICA, states the bill “will result in serious unintended consequences for freedom of expression and human rights on the Internet, undermining global Internet freedom abroad.” Protect IP has been criticized for its ambiguity as to what constitutes an infringing website. To illustrate this, websites such as The Pirate Bay and WikiLeaks who have been accused of distributing copyrighted content in the past, could have all of their search results blocked on search engines, effectively making them invisible. This raises serious concerns about free speech when the blocked website also hosts legitimate and lawful content. Under the act, these blocks can be enforced without notifying the infringing site and therefore eradicates the presumption of innocence. The threat for everyday users goes beyond this with message boards, forums, and blog comments all being potential areas were sharing a link could see you unknowingly break the law and harming the website the link was posted on. This is possible by just sharing a link to a video you found posted on a website, you may not be aware that video content is copyright protected, but you could be liable nonetheless. In Europe, similar initiatives are struggling to come to fruition. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) reported on August 5 that Spanish courts and U.K. regulators have both ruled against acts that would see the blocking of websites. The Court of Appeals of Barcelona (Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona) in a recent case has clarified that merely providing a link is not “making available” content, and does not infringe copyright. Whilst in the U.K., the communications regulator Office of Communications (OFCOM) “concluded the provisions as they stand would not be effective” after reviewing the Digital Economy Act with the result being “the Government will not bring forward the Act’s site-blocking provisions at this time.” Next...Global Crackdown

Global Crackdown

COICA and PROTECT IP are not the only initiatives concerning Internet users that have been put forward to combat the issue of pirating in recent times. Currently under legal scrutiny by the E.U., is the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). This is a plurilateral agreement for the purpose of establishing international standards on intellectual property rights enforcement. The Japanese government first raised the idea of ACTA at a conference in France in November 2005 and has since been through nine official rounds of talks with Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, and the United States. Whilst this agreement covers much broader aspects of piracy and counterfeiting, a main objective of ACTA is to have a method of policing copyrighted content on the Internet across international borders. In some regards this could provide a greater threat to the freedom of the Internet than PROTECT IP as it has largely been created underneath the radar of public scrutiny. Since its inception, ACTA has received heavy criticism for the secrecy of the negotiations between the negotiating countries from organizations such as the EFF. WikiLeaks, the infamous organization headed up by the equally outspoken Julian Assange condemned the treaty when his organization released a leaked cable in May 2008 reporting that the major financial contributors to this initiative in 2006 included Time Warner, Walt Disney & Sony Corp of America, (all members of the MPAA) as well as News Corp owned by Rupert Murdoch. A major force involved in all three of these acts is the MPAA. It may surprise and alarm some that this non-profit trade organization for the Hollywood studios has such political clout, even internationally. On May 31st, 2006, the link-sharing website The Pirate Bay based in Sweden was raided by Swedish police who were responding to copyright allegations. 65 officers participated in the removal of servers and shutting down the website. The raid became controversial in Sweden when Swedish Television’s news program, Rapport, cited unnamed sources suggesting the action was the result of contact between the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the White House. They also claimed the Swedish government allegedly was threatened with WTO trade sanctions unless action was taken against Pirate Bay. This political pressure led to Swedish politicians forcing the police to take action in connection with this allegation, which is unconstitutional in Sweden. According to Rapport, Swedish State Secretary Dan Eliasson, who gave the order for the operation to begin, confirmed that the MPAA was consistent in its lobbying of the Swedish government for this action. While piracy is estimated to cost the U.S. economy $58 billion each year in lost revenue, according to a 2007 study by the Institute for Policy Innovation, there is data that suggests otherwise—particularly with box office sales. The MPAA along with much of the U.S. movie industry decries that piracy is killing its business, yet global box office sales hit an all time high in 2010 with a figure of $31.8 billion, an 8 percent increase on previous years.
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