Professor from China Watches Shen Yun Every Year

“The melody is so delightful and graceful that I would never get tired of it; so is the dancing. The backdrop never ceases to amaze me. This kind of benevolent and beautiful performance is hard to come by nowadays unfortunately,”
Professor from China Watches Shen Yun Every Year
Chung Shan Hall in Taichung, Taiwan. Su Yufen/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
<a><img class="size-full wp-image-1769255" title="SUG_3416" src="" alt="Chung Shan Hall in Taichung" width="750" height="499"/></a>
Chung Shan Hall in Taichung

TAICHUNG, Taiwan—Professor Hsu (alias) watched Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company on a sunny afternoon in Taichung on March 8. Professor Hsu said that he watches several Shen Yun performances each year and has done so for the past several years.

Professor Hsu studied in Beijing and went to the U.S. to study for advanced degrees. After he graduated in the U.S. about five years ago, he came to Taiwan to teach. He has been watching Shen Yun since he lived in the U.S.

“The melody is so delightful and graceful that I would never get tired of it; so is the dancing. The backdrop never ceases to amaze me. This kind of benevolent and beautiful performance is hard to come by nowadays unfortunately,” He felt sad that he had to return to a somewhat mundane world after seeing the performance.

Professor Hsu talked about his feelings about Shen Yun as if he had found a priceless treasure. His voice was a little shaky as he got very emotional. He talked about the programs from past years, remembering the scenes and the music vividly. “The gestures were so light and graceful, like they were not from this world, and ordinary people could not have done the same,” he commented about a Qing Dynasty dance.

Professor Hsu was aware that many people from China came to Taiwan every year to watch Shen Yun.

Reporting by Ping-Ping Hsieh and Hsin-Yi Lin.

Read original Chinese article.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

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