Private Equity and How to Get Started

Private Equity and How to Get Started
James Richings

Private equity is becoming more and more popular with the younger generation of financial businessmen and women. As the industry looks set to continue it’s growth, it’s not surprising that a lot of young, inspiring and talented individuals are looking towards the private equity industry as a career. So what can you do to increase your chances of getting employed by a top private equity company? We spoke with Charterhouse Capital Partners LLP, who have many years experience and an in-depth knowledge in the private equity industry, about some of the ways young men and women can get themselves noticed by private equity firms. Here are some of the tips you should take on board if you’re looking to get started in the industry.

<em>image courtesy of <a href="">Forbes</a></em>
image courtesy of Forbes

Get yourself into a top university

Of course this is easier said then done but completing your exams with the best possible grades gives you the best opportunity to go to a great university. If you’re situated in the United Kingdom, Oxford and Cambridge are obviously the leaders in academia but other universities such as Manchester and the London school of economics and political science are also highly rated.

Have good knowledge and experience in Investment Banking

It’s commonly known throughout the industry that investment banking leads nicely into private equity investment so gaining some real world experience in that field is a great idea. This doesn’t mean you have to get a job immediately however. Interning and gaining experience at companies via work experience is a good place to start. Do your research into investment banking also. Take out books, read articles online and start building up your knowledge, fast.

Always present yourself as a professional

Some might say this goes without saying but it is vitally important that you always present yourself as the best possible person you can be whilst meeting people within the industry. No slouching, no swearing, no bad manners and no bad habits. You are a professional so make sure you act like one. People will remember!

Attach your name to some impressive deals

Once you have your foot in the industry, the best and quickest way to get your name known and to rise through the ranks fast is to attach your name to deals being done. How you do this is up to you but Private Equity firms usually want to see that you’ve been involved in investment deals before. Get your name known and get your reputation up.

James Richings is a 26 year old writer and blogger from the United Kingdom. He loves to write about his passions and hopes his interests, interest you also!
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