Preparing Your Pool For Severe Florida Weather

Preparing Your Pool For Severe Florida Weather
Adam Simpson

One thing is certain for those of us living in Florida, and that is the threat of bad weather, especially during hurricane season (June – November). Although rain itself doesn’t pose a huge problem for pool owners, there are other circumstances, like hail and wind, which can cause serious damage to your pool. If you’re interested in protecting your investment, then follow the steps provided below when it comes time to storm-proof your pool from inclement weather.

  1. Turn Off the Power – To protect your pool area from power losses, turn off the circuit breaker that powers the lighting and pool heater, and disconnect all electrical and gas systems. Homeowners who deal with frequent power outages due to severe weather should also consider investing in a back-up generator.

  1. Trim Trees – If there is time to prune tree branches and shrubs before bad weather approaches, then by all means do so. Falling debris is the number one reason for most fatalities during hurricanes and other severe weather, so deal with these potential hazards well beforehand. If you have considerably large trees around your property that need trimming, then contact a professional instead of tackling the job on your own, as this task could prove to be very dangerous, especially if there are power lines in the vicinity.

  1. Don’t Drain Your Pool – In-ground swimming pools normally have built-in overflows that will drain excess water, so in most instances there’s no need to drain your pool if the threat of inclement weather should arise. (The water inside your pool actually aids in protecting the finish from falling debris.) If you still feel uncertain, you can lower your water level by a couple of feet, just to be sure, but don’t go lower than a couple of feet, since this might increase hydrostatic pressure and dislocate your pool from the ground.

  1. Deal With Outdoor Items Properly – If you have patio furniture, pool toys, a grill, or other loose items around your pool area, then take care of them by storing them in a shed, garage, or a room inside your home before the storm hits. Cover and anchor heavy items. The best way to avoid a lengthy clean up after the severe weather has dissipated is to take the proper precautions beforehand, if at all possible. You can’t control Mother Nature, but you can come up with a detailed plan to keep your pool and home safe well ahead of the storms.