Police Motorcycles With GPS Fight Crime in Thailand

Global positioning systems (GPS) installed in police motorcycles have helped local authorities in fighting crime more efficiently, according to the local media in Thailand.
Police Motorcycles With GPS Fight Crime in Thailand
Global positioning systems (GPS) installed in police motorcycles have helped local authorities in fighting crime more efficiently, according to the local media in Thailand.

According to The Bangkok Post, a trial test conducted in Bangkok’s Chinatown has met with positive results. The Phlapphla Chai 2 district police unit initiated the pilot in February. Since then, the number of crimes involving motorcycle or auto theft has decreased significantly whereas previously an average of two motorcycles and one auto theft occurred each month.

Initially it was met with apprehension from policemen who believed the GPS was being installed to monitor their movement.

“Actually, we’re not looking for mistakes,” police inspector Thanupong Saengsue of Phlapphla Chai 2 district was quoted saying. “We just want to know where the officers are patrolling, and where they have been.

“Today no one opposes the project. The attitude of the patrol staff changed once they learned that we’re not looking for their mistakes,” Saengsue said.

The police committee authorized a budget of 50,000 baht to install the GPS, and another 200,000 baht were given by outside sponsors to purchase three additional motorcycles with GPS.

The GPS has improved the daily patrol planning and allow officers to respond to crimes faster since the system can easily identify which policeman is the closest.
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