Police Director’s Son Kills Girl in Drunken Hit Run

Li Qiming, the driver, when pulled over by campus security boasted that his father was a public security director.
Police Director’s Son Kills Girl in Drunken Hit Run

[xtypo_dropcap]T[/xtypo_dropcap]he son of a high-ranking security official killed a female student and hit another while driving drunk on the campus of Hebei University on Oct. 16.

Li Qiming, the driver, kept going after hitting the students, and after he was pulled over boasted that his father was a public security director. Students were angered by the incident, many demanding punishment for the driver.

Chen Xiaofeng, 20-years-old, died on Oct. 17; the other, 19, suffered a fractured left leg and is in stable condition.

When Li was stopped by the campus security he first complained about his car being scratched. Then he shot back, “Sue me if you can, my father is Li Gang.” Reports later confirmed that Li’s father is Li Gang, the deputy director of the Baoding City Public Security Bureau.

The police confirmed that Li was drunk that night.

Many on campus were angered by Li’s indifference to the fate of his victims, according to a university staff member contacted by The Epoch Times on Oct. 19.

The incident has upset students and parents, the staff member said: “The dead girl’s parents have come to Baoding and the school officials are trying to comfort them.”

On Oct. 17 a few dozen students and teachers held a vigil, lighting a dozen candles at the scene of the first accident. By 10 p.m. over 400 people had gathered.

“The public is angered by Li’s actions and is waiting to see whether the legal system will make a just ruling,” the staff member said, declining to be identified because of the sensitivity of the case.

Awkward Silence

Apart from the unofficial memorial, the university and a number of teachers have kept quiet over the issue. Witnesses said they were told by the director of students not to accept interviews, while the school refused to comment when contacted by The Epoch Times.

Students who got wind of a potential closeting of the case turned to the Internet to air their displeasure.

A Hebei University student left the message: “I was at the memorial. I heard the school wants to hush it up. I won’t rest until the driver is punished!”

Another student posted, “I just came back from the memorial and I heard that the problem will be taken care of under the table. What makes them think they can buy a girl’s life? It seems that the school wants to keep it low profile, so what can we do?”

A blogger from Hebei posted, “That scumbag [Li] shames everyone in Baoding. Li Gang is only a lower ranking officer and his son is already this savage?”

The Epoch Times called the Baoding Public Security Bureau repeatedly on Oct. 19, but no one answered.

Read the original Chinese article.