Poet: Shen Yun to Be Praised for Generations

After watching the Shen Yun performance, Lin was inspired to write three poems in praise of Shen Yun: “I was inspired to write several poems on the spot,” Lin Fu-yin said.
Poet: Shen Yun to Be Praised for Generations
Captain Poet Lin Fu-yin attends Shen Yun Performing Arts in Keelung, Taiwan. (Wang Renjun/Epoch Times)
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KEELUNG, Taiwan—Lin Fu-yin, a poet and painter, and the director of Keelung City Badouzi Tourism Industry Association, was in attendance at the March 21 evening performance of Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company at Keelung City Cultural Center.

After watching the Shen Yun performance, Lin was inspired to write three poems in praise of Shen Yun: “I was inspired to write several poems on the spot,” he said.

Lin said the Shen Yun performance based on 5,000 years of divinely-inspired culture is a must-see. “It’s absolutely worth seeing. It will be a lifelong regret to miss it.”

Divinely-Inspired Arts to be Praised by Future Generations

Excelling in writing poetry and painting, Lin fully praised Shen Yun for presenting picturesque beauty in the dance. “This is the first time that I have watched a performance of such a high standard.

“While the music was very elegant, its up-tempo part was astounding. The orchestral performance coordinated very well with the overall dance, the animated backdrops being awe-inspiring.

“In addition, due to my fondness of painting, I noticed the perfect blend of colors, with lots of effort put into it. For instance, in the program The Emperor Journeys to the Moon, the scene in the moon was really like the heavenly world. It was really beautiful.”

Music and arts of Shen Yun can penetrate the human mind, by piercing the senses of sight and hearing, and turn the arts into instruments of the soul.

He thus wrote a poem in praise of Shen Yun:

Millennia of divinely-inspired culture
Elegance lasting hundreds of years
Dance of great excellence
People appreciate the company’s arrival.

Heavenly Music Warms Up Human Hearts

“Our world lacks warmth, everyone being indifferent. Without love, there will be no warmth. Seeing (Falun Gong practitioner) being persecuted and violently treated in the program An Unexpected Encounter, I felt very touched. Since a generous act was returned with enmity, I was impressed with the program. Shen Yun enables us to better understand our true selves. But our behavior is being watched by Heaven,” said Lin.

Our modern society puts too much emphasis on the pursuit of profits, he said, which in turn leads to moral corruption and interpersonal indifference. Meanwhile, arts which praised divinity in ancient times have turn out to be tools to praise humans and then to praise bloody acts and violence. In such a morally corrupt world, Shen Yun devotes vigorous efforts to evoking people’s memories of kindness.

Impressed with Shen Yun’s efforts to revive genuine Chinese culture, Lin wrote another poem:


Great love evokes warmth and justice
Poetry resembles my pure heart
Gentleness is hard in consonance
Heavenly melody is rare and yearned for.

The Shen Yun performance not only presents a feast of beauty but also evokes human memories of divinity. Lin wrote a third poem in appreciation of the enlightenment brought by Shen Yun: “I was enlightened by the last program Divine Mercy.”

In this third poem, he praised that as care-free as the clouds, people can “bring happiness to others with a heart inspired by the divinity and divine mercy.”

Selected as one of the 1994 Top 10 Fishermen, Lin Fu-yin is known as Doctor at Sea, having released several volumes of poems in Taiwanese. He also held several personal exhibitions on painting. Awarded for his literary achievement, Mr. Lin also earned the title, “Captain Poet.”

Read the original Chinese article

Reporting by Li Yuntai and Amy Lien

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org

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