Tiananmen Square Protests: The Banners of Justice (Photos)

With the death on April 15, 1989 of Hu Yaobang, the former general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party who was beloved as a reformer, students in Beijing and around the country began taking steps to honor his memory.
Tiananmen Square Protests: The Banners of Justice (Photos)
APRIL 18: Students hold aloft a banner calling for 'Freedom & Democracy Enlightenment' on the Martyr's Monument in Tiananmen Square festooned with a large portrait of Hu Yaobang, surrounded with wreaths dedicated to him by people from many universities. (64memo.com)

 With the death on April 15, 1989 of Hu Yaobang, the former general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party who was beloved as a reformer, students in Beijing and around the country began taking steps to honor his memory. From this impulse grew what would become the democracy movement.