Photo of Trump Tower Shows Construction Worker Posing Next to Mexican Flag He Hung There

Photo of Trump Tower Shows Construction Worker Posing Next to Mexican Flag He Hung There
Epoch Newsroom

A construction worker in Canada hung a Mexican flag on the Trump Tower being built in Vancouver, attracting lots of attention.

The building is currently under construction.

Diego Reyna posted a photo of himself posing next to the flag he hung at the building, explaining his motivation in hanging it there.

I put a Mexican flag on the roof of the Trump Tower in Vancouver, just to show that he is benefiting from us.
Diego Reyna

“From the concrete pouring, finishing, drywall, taping, wood forming and general labour, Mexicans were there, building it, doing good work, the comments Trump has made about us, did not stop us from doing the high quality work we have always done, in our home country or when we migrate to the US/Canada, MR Trump, we did our best work, your tower here in Vancouver is premium quality, and we were a crucial part of it, not just Mexicans but immigrants as a whole, like your ancestors were, you are not native american,” he said.

“The insults you have said about us, have not changed our work ethics, while working on your tower Mexicans didn’t steal anything nor raped anyone, we just did the best work we could possibly do, for my ourselves, our families and the future tenants in your building.”

The flag was hung on Saturday but taken down by Sunday morning.

“I put a Mexican flag on the roof of the Trump Tower in Vancouver, just to show that he is benefiting from us and that we are working hard on his projects and that we are not all criminals,” Reyna added to CBC.

He doesn’t work on the site but does have several friends who do.

Reyna wanted Trump to see the flag but the presidential candidate hasn’t commented on the situation as of yet.