Photo Gallery: Dennis Hopper, Faces of the Last 10 Years

Dennis Hopper, Faces of the Last 10 Years. Photo gallery of the iconic visionary actor and director of ‘Easy Rider’ and ‘Apocalypse Now’ fame.
Photo Gallery: Dennis Hopper, Faces of the Last 10 Years
Epoch Times Staff
Dennis Hopper, iconic visionary actor and director of Easy Rider and Apocalypse Now fame, died Saturday May 29. He lost a protracted battle with cancer. Throughout his long career, Dennis Hopper managed to find numerous definitive roles, including in Rebel Without a Cause and Giant in the 1950’s. in 1969 Hopper co-wrote, directed, and played a key character in Easyrider, and the film went on to become a cult classic. In the 1970’s and 80’s, Hopper added Apocalypse Now, Rumble Fish, The Osterman Weekend, Blue Velvet, and Hoosiers to his list of movies. Even in the last decade, he acted in several films per year including Elegy and Hell Ride as well as acted in the TV series Crash. As a minor tribute, we put together this photo gallery, Dennis Hopper, Faces of the Last 10 Years. Enjoy. In film, Dennis Hopper will live on forever!

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