Peter Jackson Reveals Details of Last Hobbit Film ‘The Battle of the Five Armies’

Epoch Video


“The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies” is the last installment of the Middle Earth film franchise and director Peter Jackson explained how he made the last story as epic as it looks. 

He revealed that Ian McKellen, who plays Gandalf, will have more screen time, as they’re developing more stories with the elves and Gandalf. 

Jackson also said that he wants to mix more action with character moments, that it’s not all just battling, fighting and special effects. He said that a lot of what they’re trying to do is have a lot of that conflict and resolution happening during the battle. He adds that there’s still a lot of plot with characters to follow. Even the vile creatures of the Middle Earth will be getting screen time.  

Luke Evan’s story, who plays Bard, will also be enhanced, which will make the mythology open up more as they will now be able to expand what was there.

“The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies” will start battling for the box office when it opens nationwide on December 17, 2014.