Pennsylvania Voters Voice Concerns Over Potential Voter Fraud, Fast Spread of Communism

NTD Television

Pennsylvania voters voiced their concerns over the fast spread of communism in the country at a “Stop the Steal” rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

“It seems like communism is spreading in America faster than this virus is,” one attendee said. “We’ve seen other nations fall to the tyranny of the communism, like Russia and China, other Southeast Asian countries, Central American countries, even Venezuela.  We have to realize we canot let that happen here in America, because our fall will be much worse than all those other countries.”

Another person told NTD, “I am here because I have children and I believe that we need to stand up for this country. This is the birthplace of our democracy.”

“I am here because I’m very alarmed at the fraud that I detected. I analyzed the data in Pennsylvania,” NTD also heard from a participant at the rally. “There are 67 counties, 57 of them had huge Republican turnout of the registered voters. The number came out over 100 percent, some of the counties are even 150 percent, which really means that a lot of Democrats crossed over and voted for Trump.”