Insulted Pakistan Partly Cancels UK Trip

Pakistani officials are divided about upcoming visits to the U.K. after remarks by British Prime Minister David Cameron during a visit to India.
Insulted Pakistan Partly Cancels UK Trip

[xtypo_dropcap]P[/xtypo_dropcap]akistani officials are divided about upcoming visits to the United Kingdom after remarks by British Prime Minister David Cameron during a visit to India last week, where he warned Pakistan not to serve as a base for groups that “promote the export of terror.”

Pakistani Inter Service Intelligence Chief Ahmad Shuja Pasha has canceled a trip scheduled for Monday to meet with his British counterparts, according to the Pakistan Daily.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari will continue his planned five-day state visit. Zardari’s office said the president wants to go ahead with a “strategic partnership and broader bilateral relations,” according to Pakistan Daily.

During a news conference in London, Pakistan’s Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira, said Cameron’s remarks were “contrary to the facts” and “not in good taste,” according to Reuters.

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