Outrage as Donald Trump Supporter Who Assaulted Black Student Doesn’t Get Charged With Crime

Outrage as Donald Trump Supporter Who Assaulted Black Student Doesn’t Get Charged With Crime
Epoch Newsroom

A white Donald Trump supporter who was caught on camera assaulting a black college student has not been charged with any crime, sparking outrage.

Jason Wilton Wetzel, 70, admitted that he assaulted East Carolina University student Adedayo Adeniyi last Wednesday while the latter was being removed by security at a Trump rally in Fayeteville, North Carolina. 

I was just disgusted with myself ... I want to apologize to this young man and maybe take him out to dinner or something.
Jason Wilton Wetzel

Wetzel was captured on camera approaching Adeniyi, a 20-year-old student from Nigeria, and saying “[Expletive] you, [Expletive] you, [Expletive] you,” before slapping Adeniyi in the face.

“I can’t believe I did that. It was me, but I’m not a hateful man. I just got caught up. When I saw the video all over the news of me doing that to that young man, I was just disgusted with myself,” Wetzel told the Daily News.

I have no criminal background. This man does. So please explain to me who the real thug is.
Adedayo Adeniyi, student

“I have no criminal background. This man does. So please explain to me who the real thug is. A young black man who is a junior in college majoring in medical laboratory science and who also happens to hold many leadership positions there?” he said. 

“Or is it this man, with a criminal background who attacked me for no reason?”