Our World in 7 Headlines: Nov. 7

The world on Nov. 7, 2013, through local media headlines—“Massive DNA volunteer hunt begins,” “Swiss ‘Jetman’ soars over mythic Mount Fuji,” and more.
Our World in 7 Headlines: Nov. 7
Swiss professional pilot Yves "Jetman" Rossy, the world's first man to fly with fitted jet fuel powered wings strapped to his back, is now preparing for Japan´s Mount Fuji. (COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)
Ingrid Longauerová

United Kingdom: Massive DNA volunteer hunt begins

Scientists are looking for 100,000 volunteers prepared to have their DNA sequenced and published online for anyone to look at. 

The UK Personal Genome Project could provide a massive free tool for scientists to further understanding of disease and human genetics.

Participants will get an analysis of their DNA, but so will the rest of the world, and anonymity is not guaranteed. 

They are warned there could be unknown consequences for them and relatives.

Unlocking the secrets of DNA could transform the understanding of disease. ...



Nigeria: Advocacy Group Tackles Oil Companies Over Spills

The Nigerian operations of two major international companies have been accused of failing to control oil spills which damage the environment and the health of Nigerians.

In a report released on Thursday, Amnesty International attacks the multinational company, Shell, for too quickly attributing oil spills to sabotage and theft by outsiders. It also accused Agip, a subsidiary of Eni, of not properly controlling its activities.

However, Shell is the main target of the report, which attacks the reliability of the company’s investigations into oil spills. ...

All Africa


India: 100-year-old steam engine runs on Shimla heritage track

Shimla on Wednesday witnessed running of a 100-year-oldsteam engine on a heritage track along a short 1km stretch between the railway station and the bus stand.

Shimla residents and tourists were thrilled to see the only existing narrow gauge vintage KC-520 steam engine chugging off. This was the engine that first ran on the Kalka-Shimla track in 1903.

Till the seventies this steam engine ferried coaches on the Kalka-Shimla track, and on Wednesday when it came to a halt at the railway extension platform near the bus stand, it was given a rousing reception by the people gathered there. ...

The Times of India


Switzerland: Swiss ‘Jetman’ soars over mythic Mount Fuji

Swiss aviator Yves “Jetman” Rossy, whose jet-engine powered wings have taken him over some of the world’s most awe-inspiring places, has added another — Japan’s Mount Fuji.

“It’s a fantastic privilege to be a little mosquito flying in front of that big mountain,” the 54-year-old former Swiss air force pilot said on Wednesday.
Rossy, with a 60-kilogram (132-pound) kit strapped on his back, circled the country’s highest and most revered mountain nine times over one week until last Sunday. ...

The Local


United Arab Emirates: Store owner cares for employee in coma in Abu Dhabi

Indian expat pays off debts and remits money to the family of staff member who is lying in coma after an accident.

Sameer Mukrika Valappil may have never heard of HR jargons like after-service benefits or employee welfare schemes. But the compassion and generosity of this grocery owner towards his bed-ridden employee will put many a company to shame.

The 33-year-old Indian expatriate who runs a grocery store in Al Shahama, Abu Dhabi has been religiously taking care of his Bangladeshi assistant who is in coma at Al Rahba Hospital in Al Shahama following an accident in October last year. ...

Gulf News


New Zeland: Reducing opening hours for bars would curb violence – research

The way to address night time alcohol-related crime and violence is to reduce the opening hours for licensed premises, a visiting Australian researcher says.

Associate Professor Peter Miller of Australia’s Deakin University presented the findings of two major studies at a research seminar in Auckland today.

The research compared six Australian cities over three years and involved talking to more than 11,000 patrons.

“The studies looked at the effectiveness of interventions for reducing alcohol-related offending and injuries,'' Professor Miller said. ...

New Zeland Herald


Sweden: Lonely Planet names Sweden world’s fourth best country

Sweden has been named as the fourth best place to visit in the world by travel guide Lonely Planet, which lists its food and pop culture among its main draws. Lonely Planet ranked Sweden, which will be the setting for the European Capital of Culture next year, behind only Brazil, Antarctica and Scotland in its new list.

In its annual report, the travel guide said that because of the late author Stieg Larsson, many people have an image of what Sweden is like – beautiful, cold and a little scary. It rated the country’s emerging pop culture highly, and noted that the northern town of Umeå will be next year’s European Capital of Culture. ...

Ice News

Ingrid Longauerová is a long time employee at the Epoch Media Group. She started working with The Epoch Times as a freelance journalist in 2007 before coming to New York and work in the Web Production department. She is currently a senior graphic designer for the Elite Magazine, a premier luxury lifestyle magazine for affluent Chinese in America produced by the EMG.