President Trump released a patriotic video on July 17 showcasing pride in the U.S. military, accompanied by the soundtrack of “God Bless The USA,” cued to start at the famous line, “I’m proud to be an American.”
For those wondering if the video was a follow-up to Trump’s recent criticism of the “squad” of progressive Democrats as anti-American, the answer comes in the message at the end of the video: “America: One ‘Squad’ Under God.”
That spin on “One Nation Under God” was characterized by some as “trolling” the four progressive Democrat congresswomen who have been dubbed “the squad.”
Trump offered no comment on the video, other than to say, “God Bless The USA.”
Trump’s most notable post was one in which he called on “‘progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen” to “go back” to their countries to help fix the “totally broken and crime-infested places” before returning to the United States to “show us how it is done.”

Apart from Omar, who was born in Somalia, the other three lawmakers were born in the United States.

The president remained unabashed after the Democrat-controlled House passed a resolution to condemn the president’s remarks on July 16, largely on party lines.
Over the course of several days, the president gradually expanded on the list of things that those congresswomen did which he believes indicates that they “hate our country.”
Trump also criticized the more moderate wing of the Democratic Party for not standing up against the “radical left” elements in their party.
The same day that he released the video, Trump also thanked the members of the squad for a four-point jump in his approval ratings.
“New Poll: The Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in predicting the 2016 Election, has just announced that ‘Trump’ numbers have recently gone up by four points, to 50%,” Trump wrote in a Twitter post on July 17. “Thank you to the vicious young Socialist Congresswomen. America will never buy your act!”

He continued: “But I have a list of things here said by the congresswomen that [are] so bad, so horrible that I almost don’t want to read it, it’s so bad. I think what you [should] do is: You have the same list that I do. You should repeat some of that. When the Democrats didn’t want to mention the name of the congresswoman, not so long ago, and what they did and the way they’re treating Israel is a disgrace.”
“But not only Israel, it’s what they say about our country. It’s my opinion they hate our country. And that’s not good. It’s not acceptable,” he added.
The president also denied that his posts were racist, writing on Twitter: “Those Tweets were NOT Racist. I don’t have a Racist bone in my body.”