Oklahoma Republican Party Unveils Trump Statue as 2020 Campaign Kicks Off

Oklahoma Republican Party Unveils Trump Statue as 2020 Campaign Kicks Off
President Donald Trump at his 2020 re-election event in Orlando, Fla., on June 18, 2019. Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times
Zachary Stieber

The Oklahoma Republic Party revealed a statue made by a local artist during an event celebrating President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign kickoff.

The statue, made by Brenda Angel, showed Trump. It was titled “The President Who Loved America.”

She also crafted sculptures of former President Ronald Reagan and civil rights pioneer Martin Luther King Jr.

“Thank you, everybody, for coming out and supporting President Trump and being here with me while I honor him with this sculpture,” said Angel, reported KTUL.

Angel said she’s been sculpting since 1993, starting the artworks after she experienced a dream.

She said that she started the Trump statue after he announced his campaign for president in 2015.

“I would work on it for a little bit and then cover it up,” she told KTUL. “I use water base clay like you use on a potter’s wheel. It dries up in days, even weeks, even when you’re spritzing it. The clay never went dry. It never cracked. It never got unusable.”

“I’m personally happy with what he’s done and what he’s doing. Being president is a hard job for any of them,” she added.

Speakers at the event said that Trump has accomplished a lot in his first term.

“Oftentimes it’s a rarity for a political spear for politicians and elected officials to actually do what they say. It’s unfortunate, but I believe that we really do have a president that does that. He has kept his promises,” said state Sen. Nathan Dahm.

In a statement posted on his Facebook page, Oklahoma GOP Chairman David McLain lauded Trump.

McLain said he was excited about Trump running for re-election.

“The promises he made were the promises he kept,” McLain said. “His strong leadership with proven global security and economic success has led to peace and prosperity. Oklahomans are eager to support their President.”

Pictures posted by the party showed a number of people at the event, holding signs with Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

In a press release obtained by KFOR, the party said that state auditor and inspector Cindy Byrd also spoke at the event.

“It’s an honor to be with everyone at the unveiling of the Trump sculpture done by Angel, a fellow southeastern Oklahoman,” she said.

“It is an honor to support President Trump—he delivers on his promises. President Trump loves this country and its people, and it is evident by his accountability and transparency—he led the biggest tax and regulations cuts on businesses since the late ’80s. Trump delivers on expectations, and I look forward to what he will accomplish in the next four years.”

Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]
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