Ohio Waitress Hits Back After Finding Note Inside Bill: ‘I’m Offended’

Ohio Waitress Hits Back After Finding Note Inside Bill: ‘I’m Offended’
Zachary Stieber

An Ohio waitress upset over a note she received from a customer hit back in a now-viral Facebook post.

The post was later deleted, but not before racking up tens of thousands of likes and thousands of shares.

Jessica Morris had just finished serving a newlywed couple and another couple in Centerville when she returned to collect the bills. Inside one, she found a $4 tip. But the other had no tip, only a note that said: “He’s my husband, find your own. Good luck.”

Morris posted about the situation on Facebook, calling it a “PSA from all servers.

See the full text below.


I don’t typically talk about work this way, but this needs to be shown/addressed. Mainly because it’s hysterical but partially because I’m offended lol.

Anywho, today I had a table of 4 come in. Two couples. The one told me they were there to celebrate part of their honeymoon, which I replied “oh I just got married last month, congratulations.” I assumed they heard me, and we proceeded with the whole “what can I get you” yada yada yada.

Well, as anyone SHOULD know, waitressing is a personable job. To make money you have to be nice, and show you personality. As all of you should know, since you know me, I’m a personable, sarcastic a**hole in the nicest way possible. So ofcourse I let that shine in my job, and at EVERY table.

So, this lady (Jenny) and her husband place their order and she asks me what my name is. I tell her “Jessica” she responds with, “oh, we don’t really like that name. Can we call you Jess” and I laughed and said “yeah, you can call me anything you want. I'll even respond with a**hole.” In which her husband laughs and proceeds to call me that throughout the whole experience we had as server and guests.

I assumed everything was fine, because they were laughing and having a good time. Well I cash out their check, tell them have a good night and to come back. When I come back from singing “happy birthday” to another guest, the couple and company have left, and on one ticket they tipped me $4, well Jenny decided I did not deserve a monetary tip, so she wrote me a nice note, with a $0 tip saying “he’s my husband, find your own. Good luck. :)

And I want to add, Jenny stole my one pen, which she knew was my last because I had apologized that I only had the one to share between the two tickets at the table.

So, Dear Jenny,
I would like you to know, the server that was in the section across from mine, that I kept talking to and checking on throughout the time of you sitting at my table IS MY HUSBAND. Which I found on my own, and looks better than yours. Also, I would like you to know that I’m sorry MY HUSBAND treated me to a cruise for my honeymoon and not a restaurant. As well as, MY HUSBAND would never let me feel so insecure that I would feel the need to write such a terrible note to a server and make them feel the way you have.

So Jenny, here’s a life tip for you from me, your insecurity as a woman is heartbreaking. Have pride in yourself and your relationship with YOUR husband to where you don’t need to put another down to bring yourself up. Especially a server who lives off her tips and needs them to help her husband pay bills. Also, Jenny, I hope you like the pen, because it’s my present to you. One NEWLYWED to another.

P.S - my husband said you can sit in his section next time that way you won’t have to be so worried about your husband “flirting” with a server :). Maybe you'll see his ring a little better than you saw mine.

Signed, Jessica
The woman you offended by thinking so lowly of, that I would attempt to flirt with a man who is with his wife.

Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]