Occupy Your Mind

Sit with your computers in Tianaman Square. Don’t want to? Afraid of the consequences? Then occupy your minds.
Occupy Your Mind

They’ve got nothing else to do, these college kids. Life is boring and since there is no draft they can’t complain. Someone else is fighting wars for them. Their fathers, likely the same people that sacked Wall Street, put them through the Ivy League to the tune of $52,000 a year. Without penchant for serious work they sit around and loaf, happy to wave signs proclaiming they are the 99%. The poor majority.

Judged by the $2,500 laptop computers they are seen playing with, their cell phones and well heeled I-phones, it is not likely they are 99% anything except hypocrites. When they finish their séance together they get up and return to penthouse apartments in Manhattan where a maid prepares dinner.

It is not the ground swell produced by disaffection with the war in Vietnam. It is malaise. It is not poor against rich, it is rich deciding that some old Communist ideology is better than working for a living. It is a new front called Universalism; it is politically correct to turn a working country into an international dole. That makes for human progress.

In today’s economy government has found ways to bilk honest citizens by increasing taxes for services. Nothing is free except to non-citizens and ho-bos. Everybody else pays beyond acceptable limits. School taxes on property owners have become onerous. Not because communities cannot cope with residents, because open gate borders without limits and without questions flooded schools with non-citizens that are basically uneducable. That was the favorite term of a veteran teacher that spent 45 years in a broken system, finally forced to go with the flow until he retired.

School systems are paying out taxpayer money to teach non-English speakers to learn English. Citizenship requires fluency in English. It would be an enlightenment to visit the examining room of a pre-citizenship ceremony to determine if the tablet: “Bring me your poor, your downtrodden, your whatever” was hyperbole.

Incompetent and often corrupt politicians have found a convenient ploy to divert criticism from themselves. A scapegoat is found in somebody else to dislike. Landlords, the rich, the educated. It worked for the Nazis and every other totalitarian dictatorship. Find someone to hate. Today’s politicos dwell upon the rich. Tax the rich more and more until there is no enterprise left. No wonder American businesses moved offshore and why most are hiring labor for services in foreign countries. Educated workers in India earn about 40 cents an hour, they speak English and are willing to work. Why hire some worthless slug in the U.S. that comes with all manner of minimum wages, unemployment and social security taxes, benefits and entitlements and will never perform to acceptable standards.

No one disagrees that the public education system in the U.S. has failed. Products of U.S. public schools are unable to cope with demands of life. Higher education has become diluted since the products they inherit from defective public education are incapable of reaching required levels. A ‘No child shall be left behind’ philosophy and dilution of school systems with uneducable students foisted upon them by illegal immigration is unacceptable. 

Healthcare in the U.S. is out of control. Hospitals and medical providers have become highwaymen, thieves, arrested by the dozens every so often when the welfare police catch up. The work of monitoring what goes on with welfare healthcare programs, like Medicaid and elder healthcare systems like Medicare, is overwhelming. These programs are licenses to steal. Medicaid, free healthcare for the so-called poor, is the most ripped off program in America.

Hospitals cannot even ask whether a person is a U.S. citizen. Whatever walks in gets treated to the tune of million dollar babies every day. Pregnant women cross the porous borders of the U.S. every day to drop into hospitals and create an automatic U.S. citizen. It is not unfair to say this is a welfare case from the moment it draws its first breath.

They are the rich, these so called poor. Everyone else pays cash. Free healthcare, free dentistry, free chiropractors, free transport to medical visits, free food, free rent. Another person would have to shell out $22,000 a year for health insurance, pay income taxes, school and property taxes, permits, licenses for this and that. Meanwhile there are long lines on airline flights heading south of the border. Cash in hand these wealthy Americans are heading “home.” They enjoy their visits, plant their money in fertile soil and return to the dole when their vacation is done.

I do not argue that far flung wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and secret wars in Lybia, Syria and elsewhere were fradulent. Their conception was a conspiracy that American history will dwell on for the next several generations. Vietnam veterans and Korean War veterans are getting older. Their memories of  protestors on the streets and denigration of their service are fading. Those wars were memorable only because they ended, as they had begun, without resolution. Sacrifice by brave men and women cannot be detracted from because crooked politicians and an industrial-military consortium made money on their honor. The same conspirators are making money on valorous service people today. Current wars are also without resolution as they were without reasonable cause.

Get up off the “rusty dusty,” as a World War II song to encourage citizens at home to buy war bonds went. Make contributions to society with the same lust of generations past. Communism never worked anywhere it was tried. It is only another buzz-word for totalitarian control. If anyone doubts it, then go to China and print a newspaper critical of its dictators. Sit with your computers in Tianaman Square. Don’t want to? Afraid of the consequences? Then occupy your minds.

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Note: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and are not necessarily representative of Epoch Times. 


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