NYPD Seeks to Engage With ‘Twitter School,’ Blog

As city officials work to soften the New York Police Department’s image and change how officers engage with citizens through reforms and training, part of the effort is happening online.
NYPD Seeks to Engage With ‘Twitter School,’ Blog

NEW YORK—As city officials work to soften the New York Police Department’s image and change how officers engage with citizens through reforms and training, part of the effort is happening online.

The nation’s largest police department, once a slow adopter of social media, has created a blog and punched up Facebook use. And there are now 101 Twitter accounts department-wide after top brass was sent to an in-house “Twitter school.”

We want those voices out there.
Zachary Tumin, deputy commissioner, strategic initiatives

“We’ve given the commanding officers the tools, the guidelines, and the training, and most importantly ... the responsibility to do the work,” said Zachary Tumin, the department’s deputy commissioner for strategic initiatives. “Twitter is part of that work and part of those bridges we seek to build and reinforce.”

After the Dec. 20 shooting death of two patrolmen by a man who vowed online to kill “pigs,” NYPD officers sent out and received dozens of messages of support for the slain officers.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner William Bratton are trying to rebrand the NYPD to counter criticism that it tramples on civil rights. The crime-fighting tactic known as stop-and-frisk is being reformed. Officers are undergoing three days of training on use of force and how to communicate with the public after the chokehold death of Eric Garner on July 17, and police in several precincts are trying out body cameras.

New York had largely eschewed the Internet until recently, while other, smaller departments embraced it.


In the past year, the NYPD’s public relations unit developed a blog. Bratton has his own Twitter account. And the department has expanded from one main account, @NYPDNews, to 101 covering every precinct and some special commands. Officers are encouraged to send out helpful, pithy messages and respond directly to the communities they serve.

“We want those voices out there,” Tumin said.

The department also has sent its commanders to a “school” taught by in-house social media experts who encourage humor and helpfulness and discourage releasing investigative details or starting arguments.

Don't engage in a Twitter war with someone. You won't ever win.
Twitter trainer

“Don’t engage in a Twitter war with someone. You won’t ever win,” one trainer said.

Earlier this year, @NYPDnews invited people to post feel-good photos posing with New York’s finest with the hashtag #myNYPD. Instead, they found themselves awash in hundreds of images of baton-wielding cops arresting protesters, pulling suspects by the hair, unleashing pepper spray, and taking down a bloodied 84-year-old man for jaywalking.

There have been some successes, too. An image last winter of an NYPD officer giving boots to a homeless man became national news. When a subway train derailed last spring, one precinct shared traffic information and alternate routes until the problem was resolved.

And Community Affairs Chief Joanne Jaffe tweeted a photo of a handwritten note left by a passer-by that was tacked to the entrance of 1 Police Plaza: “It takes courage and discipline to do your duty in times like these. Thank you for serving and protecting these citizens with respect. Have a blessed day.”

From The Associated Press