NY State May Qualify for Increase in Sandy Aid

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) is asking the federal government to increase its share of Sandy recovery costs to public property. Speaking during a press conference from his office in New York on Wednesday, Schumer said he is willing to go all the way to the White House with his request.
NY State May Qualify for Increase in Sandy Aid
A destroyed house from the Neponsit area of the Rockaways, Queens, on Jan. 21. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

NEW YORK--Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) is asking the federal government to increase its share of Sandy recovery costs to public property. Speaking during a press conference from his office in New York on Wednesday, Schumer said he is willing to go all the way to the White House with his request.

“For major storms, the feds can choose to pick up 90 percent of the cost, instead of 75,” said Schumer, but he added that it’s “not a requirement; it’s an option.”

An increase in federal aid is possible when the cost of repairs to public property exceeds $133 per resident, and New York crossed the threshold this week, paving the way for Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) to request to the president to increase funding. 

On April 30, FEMA designated $267 million in public assistance money to the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA). 

An increase in aid would represent $900 million. In the past, FEMA has typically recommended similar increases to the president. 

“Unfortunately the bump is not automatic—it’s a choice of FEMA and OMB,” said Schumer, who said he will be campaigning for the increase. 

According to Schumer, the odds are good that the increase will happen, based on FEMA’s history of similar allocations between 2006 and 2010.