Nurse With Angelic Voice Sings for Patient in an Act of Kindness

Epoch Video

Witness a heart-breaking moment when a nurse breaks down and cries as she sings a song to a dying cancer patient whom she has cared for for over a year.

The video tells us that the nurse’s name is Olivia and that she learned the song just so she could sing it to Margaret while the cancer-stricken patient is undergoing tests to see if she is fit and well enough to receive a new liver that will help her fight the disease ravaging her body. Throughout the song, ‘Dancing in the Sky’ by Dani and Lizzy, the caring nurse holds Margaret’s hand and strokes her hair.

At one point, Olivia can be seen wiping the tears from her face as she sings to a serene looking Margaret, who is obviously soothed by the angelic voice and calming touch of the nurse.

Unfortunately, Margaret was too weakened by the cancer to undergo surgery and passed away some time after.

Olivia spoke to a local radio station afterward and said that she had been touched by the overwhelming response to the video clip and that she was glad that she had the chance to provide comfort to Margaret in her final days. She also went on to say that she had recently lost her own grandmother and that Margaret’s plight had touched her. But it is perhaps her final words that are the most touching:

“Knowing that she [Margaret] will be dancing in the heavens and singing with the angels helps me find peace during this somber time.”

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