Nokia to Unveil Mysterious Device

You may not remember it that well nowadays but a decade ago Nokia was a synonym for a mobile phone. The company was simply everywhere. It was what Samsung is for smartphones today. So when Nokia sold its mobile phone business to Microsoft earlier this year millions of people around the world though this was the end of the popular brand.
Nokia to Unveil Mysterious Device

You may not remember it that well nowadays but a decade ago Nokia was a synonym for a mobile phone. The company was simply everywhere. It was what Samsung is for smartphones today. So when Nokia sold its mobile phone business to Microsoft earlier this year millions of people around the world though this was the end of the popular brand.

Not true. Nokia is still alive and kicking and it even has a new and mysterious product that will be unveiled later today. We do not know what it is all about as there’s simply a teaser image with the November 18, 2014 date on it and the tag line “we’re up to something” but judging from the image the new product may be a set-top box after all.

The reasons for this conclusion are a few – first the front side of the box has been blacked out on purpose to cover something up and this something seems to be I/O ports. Second the box looks like many other similar set-top boxes and third having a Nokia-branded TV set top box is not that bad – even the name sounds good.

Then again the final product may be something else. By the way you can take a look at the mysterious product above and draw your own conclusions.

In any case the new product will be unveiled very soon, in just hours so stay tuned to Hitechreview to find out what Nokia has for you. If you are lucky you may even have it for Christmas. Who knows?

Republished with permission from HiTechReviewRead the original.

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