News Brief: Trump Trials, Election Integrity, Border Security, and Airline Turbulence

Today, we’re covering a range of important topics including former President Donald Trump’s legal battles, political challenges between Democrats and Republican
News Brief: Trump Trials, Election Integrity, Border Security, and Airline Turbulence
(Left) Special counsel Jack Smith in Washington on Aug. 1, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images); (Right) Former President Donald Trump. David Dee Delgado/Getty Images
Bill Thomas

Good morning, and welcome to The Epoch Times News Brief for Wednesday, May 22, 2024. I’m Bill Thomas, and today, we’re covering a range of important topics including former President Donald Trump’s legal battles, political challenges between Democrats and Republicans, and a deadly airline incident overseas.

So much to get to today, and first up, let’s jump into the courtroom and see what’s happening in one of the former president’s cases.

New Trump Case Evidence to Be Unsealed, Jack Smith Says

In President Trump’s ongoing classified documents case in Florida, defense attorneys and special counsel Jack Smith’s team have come to an agreement, which was detailed in a joint status report filed earlier this week on Monday.

The report indicates that eight documents will be made public, and that some sections will be redacted to keep witness identities and sensitive details private. The nature of the documents and what information they contain were not disclosed in the Monday filing. It’s also not clear when they’ll be released to the public.

The filing comes a day after U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon expressed her disappointment with how Mr. Smith’s team had been handling the sealing and redaction processes. Judge Cannon denied President Trump’s request to redact certain witness statements, while agreeing to keep grand jury materials confidential.

In this Florida case, the former president faces dozens of felony counts accusing him of illegally keeping classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate and for allegedly obstructing the FBI’s attempts to get them back.

Due to ongoing legal battles over how to manage the classified evidence, the trial has been delayed and it’s not expected to start before the November elections.

From a Florida courtroom to a Manhattan courtroom, here’s the latest on a separate case involving President Trump.

Trump Lawyers Rest Their Case in NY Criminal Trial

President Trump’s legal team finished presenting their defense yesterday in the New York criminal trial where he’s accused of falsifying business payments during the 2016 election campaign. Their final witness was Robert Costello, a former prosecutor. Following his testimony, Trump attorney Todd Blanche said the team is resting their case, and prosecutors confirmed they would not be bringing any rebuttal witnesses.

The defense’s testimony included statements from two witnesses aimed at challenging the reliability of Michael Cohen, a former Trump attorney, whom they claim has lied about the president’s actions. Additionally, they’ve requested the judge to dismiss the charges, though no decision has been made on that front yet.

The former president did not testify on his behalf as a witness in the case. His son, Donald Trump Jr., said during a news conference yesterday that there was simply no need for him to do so. The defense argues that the charges are politically motivated.

Judge Juan Merchan then briefed the jury on what to expect in terms of timing for the trial and instructed them to avoid discussing or researching the case on their own.

President Trump is currently facing four criminal cases, with other charges in Georgia and Washington, and he has pleaded not guilty to all the charges.

Let’s move out of the courtroom and make a run to the border, where the red and blue are not seeing eye to eye.

Democrats Look to Challenge Republicans on Border Security

With the November election only months away, Democrats are adjusting their campaign strategy to emphasize border security, a traditionally Republican issue. This new strategy pops up as the nation deals with increasing illegal immigration at the southern border and growing voter concern over the issue.

While Republicans have urged President Joe Biden to shut the border through executive action, Democrats say that the president doesn’t have the authority to do so, pointing to previous administrations’ failures to do the same. Earlier this year, a bipartisan border bill surfaced in the Senate but stalled when Republicans blocked it, arguing that it was insufficient for true border security.

In a strategic counter, Democrats have criticized Republicans for turning down what they consider a viable solution to the border crisis. They’re banking on this argument to resonate with voters in the upcoming election. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is set to reintroduce the bipartisan border bill this week, though Republicans dismiss it as merely a political maneuver.

Recent polls, including those from Gallup and Harvard/Harris, highlight immigration as a top concern for Americans. Also, a recent Fox News poll indicates that more voters favor President Trump’s handling of immigration over President Biden’s.

Democrats now see border security as potentially advantageous for their electoral goals. Some blame President Trump for the failure of the bipartisan border bill, a point contested by Republicans who argue the bill was ineffective. While there is some internal Democratic debate about revisiting the bill with stricter measures, the symbolic importance of the bill is viewed by many Democrats as a key to regaining control of the House.

Moving along, let’s talk a bit about some issues critical to the voting process.

RNC Challenges North Carolina’s Absentee Ballot Guidance

The Republican National Committee (RNC), in partnership with the North Carolina Republican Party and other Republican groups, has formally requested the North Carolina State Board of Elections to address what the Republican bodies call election inconsistencies. They’ve sent a letter to the Board, arguing that current rules and guidance regarding the implementation of voter ID and absentee ballot law “conflict with certain statutes enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly.”

The complaint centers particularly on guidelines issued by the Board’s executive director, Karen Brinson Bell, which the Republicans claim are being used to skew the electoral process. This accusation comes in a state that has seen increasingly tight races, highlighted by former President Donald Trump’s narrow victory there in the 2020 election.

A major concern for the Republicans is a memo issued by Ms. Brinson Bell, which addresses how to handle absentee ballot problems, such as unsealed container-return envelopes. The Republicans argue that this guidance could potentially open the door to ballot tampering.

Additionally, the Republicans take issue with the Board’s guidance on voter ID implementation, which they believe deviates from statutory requirements. They argue that the current policy allows voters to provide “any explanation or documentation” that could help election officials determine if the name on the photo ID matches or is substantially equivalent to the name in the voter registration record. According to the Republicans, this guidance contradicts the stricter verification standards mandated by state law.

This move by the RNC is part of a broader national effort, with legal actions being taken in other key states including Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Wisconsin aiming to tighten election security and enforcement.

This next story really hits home. I’m a licensed pilot myself and whenever I hear about a serious aviation incident, it immediately grabs my attention. This is a story regarding a fatality on a Boeing jet airliner that encountered severe turbulence. Here’s what happened.

Singapore Airlines Passenger Dead After Boeing Jet Hits ‘Severe Turbulence’

A tragic incident unfolded on a Singapore Airlines flight traveling from London’s Heathrow Airport to Singapore on Monday. The flight encountered severe turbulence, and the pilot declared a medical emergency and diverted the plane to Bangkok, where it landed safely.

The airline confirmed on social media that there was a fatality on board along with multiple injuries, and a total of 30 individuals were treated in hospitals. A later statement from Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital said 71 people had been treated there, including six who were severely injured.

The aircraft, a Boeing 777, was carrying 211 passengers and 18 crew members, with a significant number of passengers hailing from Australia, the United Kingdom, and Singapore, and four passengers from the United States.

Singapore Airlines has expressed its deep condolences to the family of the deceased, a 73-year-old British man who reportedly suffered a heart attack during the turbulence. They also apologized and are providing support and information to those affected by the incident.

Passengers on the flight described a terrifying scene as they were thrown against the ceiling and overhead bins when the aircraft suddenly dropped in altitude.

The airline said that it was working with authorities in Thailand and promised more updates as the investigation into the incident gets underway.

Either the clock is running fast or we’re actually out of time. Looks like we’ll have to make that one our final story on the midweek edition of the Epoch Times News Brief.

If you enjoy our News Brief program, please let us know by sharing an email with us. We’re at [email protected], and my favorite reading project every day is going through your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. With that, it’s off to the email bag we go:

Here’s one from Myron Chapman, who says: “I appreciate the Epoch times and the daily News Brief is a favorite a quick look at the note worthy events of our busy lives.”

We heard from Mark, who says: “Keep the News Briefs coming!”

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And finally, as we do each and every day on this program, we wrap things up with a very “notable” quote:

Hockey legend Wayne Gretzky said: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. You gotta at least try!” He also said, “When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.”

Gretzky is considered by many to be the greatest player in the history of the National Hockey League.

Goals, hat-tricks, and Stanley Cups! He had an incredible career, and he was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1999.

For all of us here at The Epoch Times News Brief, I’m Bill Thomas, and thanks for spending some time with us. Make sure you eat something healthy today, and if you can, do something for someone else—it’s incredibly rewarding. We’ll see you right back here tomorrow for another edition of The Epoch Times News Brief. Have an awesome day today.