New York State Assembly Seeks to Restore MTA Funds

New York State Assembly Seeks to Restore MTA Funds
New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, D-Manhattan, speaks with reporters at the Capitol in Albany, N.Y., on Friday, June 21, 2013. AP Photo/Tim Roske
Catherine Yang

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s budget proposal included taking $40 million from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to pay for other items, and State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver plans to block the plan.

According to the New York Daily News, a source says Silver will reject the plan in a formal response next week.

A group of 32 Assembly members recently rallied to call on Cuomo to restore the funds.

The money earmarked for the MTA is supposed to pay for capital bonds, and has in past years also been transferred to other items. Last year Cuomo vetoed a bill that would prevent money set for transit from being used for other items.