New Yorkers Protest Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision

Shortly after news of the Grand Jury’s decision to not indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner, protesters gathered in various areas around the greater New York City area. Statements have been released by several officials and even the now exonerated Officer Pantaleo, and Eric Garner’s family. President Obama also added his thoughts on the justice system, and how Americans should react. They are all calling for peace and asking that cooler heads prevail.
New Yorkers Protest Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision
Protesters stage a "die in" at Grand Central Station. (Petr Svab/Epoch Times)

Shortly after news of the Grand Jury’s decision to not indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner, protesters gathered in various areas around the greater New York City area. Statements have been released by several officials and even the now exonerated Officer Pantaleo, and Eric Garner’s family. President Obama also added his thoughts on the justice system, and how Americans should react. They are all calling for peace and asking that cooler heads prevail.

The feeling of injustice has reached a boiling point in the hearts and minds of many Americans, as evident by the conflagrant protests in Ferguson, Missouri and the destruction of Law Enforcement vehicles in Los Angeles, California. In NYC, protesters shutdown all four Manhattan bridges the night it was announced that Officer Darren Wilson would face no criminal charges for the fatal shooting of teenager Michael Brown.

NYPD has been deploying barricades in various locations around the city starting early afternoon Wednesday December 3.