Majority of New Yorkers Want Islamic Cultural Center Built Elsewhere

Majority of New Yorkers think Mosque should not be built near ground zero.
Majority of New Yorkers Want Islamic Cultural Center Built Elsewhere

[xtypo_dropcap]A[/xtypo_dropcap] new poll found that the large majority of New York voters say the proposed mosque and cultural center near ground zero should be built somewhere else. Quinnipiac University conducted the survey and found that 71 percent of New Yorkers say the developers of the $100 million 13-story building at Park 51 should “voluntarily” relocate it somewhere else. Only 21 percent said the mosque should be built just blocks from where the World Trade Center once stood. Another 71 percent said that Attorney General Andrew Cuomo should investigate where Cordoba Institute, the developer of the proposed cultural center, got their funding. The poll found that 54 percent agreed and 40 percent disagreed over whether Muslims “Have the right to build the mosque near ground zero.” However, 53 percent said that due to the sensitivity of the issue, the mosque should not be constructed there. The Cordoba Institute said they are building the mosque and community center to foster good relations between the West and the Muslim world.

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