New York Fracking Health Study to Be Complete in Weeks

The health study to determine if hydraulic fracturing can be done safely in New York State will be wrapped up “in weeks.”
New York Fracking Health Study to Be Complete in Weeks
Kristen Meriwether

NEW YORK—The health study to determine if hydraulic fracturing can be done safely in New York State will be wrapped up “in weeks,” according to The Associated Press.

New York State Health Commissioner Nirav Shah, who was appointed to review the health impacts before a final decision on hydraulic fracturing would be made in the state, said that he would not wait for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Pennsylvania Geisinger Health study to conclude.

The EPA study is not expected to be ready for peer review until 2014, and preliminary results from the Geisinger study is expected within a year.

Shah said he met with researchers from EPA and Geisinger in the last two weeks, according to AP.

The announcement comes on the day Sean Lennon and Yoko Ono released their “Don’t Frack My Mother,” a celebrity-backed music video calling for a ban in the state.

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