New Footage Shows Standoff With Oregon Protester Before Fatal Shooting

Newly released footage shows the final moments of Oregon protester Robert “LaVoy” Finicum before he was shot to death by the FBI near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Jonathan Zhou

Newly released footage shows the final moments of Oregon protester Robert “LaVoy” Finicum before he was shot to death by the FBI near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. 

Finicum had been driving the truck, which was being pursued by state troopers who had shot at the car, before exiting to meet the officers. 

The question of who fired these shots has not been resolved.
Greg Bretzing, FBI, Portland

An autopsy shows that Finicum had died from a bullet in the back, which struck him in the heart. 

Some of the supporters of the Oregon protesters say that Finicum was improperly shot, and the FBI is investigating two shots fired by FBI agents at Finicum, which were not initially reported to the FBI, Oregon Live reports. 

“The question of who fired these shots has not been resolved,” said Greg Bretzing, who’s in charge of the FBI in Portland.

The officers claim that they were justified in shooting Finicum because he was armed, but his widow claims that he was “murdered.” 

One possible way that the FBI agents could be charged for misconduct is that one of them fired a shot at Finicum’s vehicle and shattered a window even after he exited from the vehicle and had his hands above shoulder height, according to a lengthier video. 

Days before the investigations were announced, hundreds of people from across the country protested Finicum’s death in weekly demonstrations. 

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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