Nevada Voter Questions Ballot Machine Software

Nevada Voter Questions Ballot Machine Software
Dan Golden Nevada joined a Stop the Steal rally in Carson City on Nov. 7, 2020. (NTD Television)
NTD Television

NEVADA—Dan Golden from Nevada joined a Stop the Steal rally in Carson City on Nov. 7, 2020 because he believes the software used in many machines counting ballots have been tampered with.

“There’s no way Biden got 74-plus million votes, Hillary Clinton couldn’t get that, Bernie Sanders couldn’t get that. There is no way. I know a lot of people that were watching the vote count in Virginia. All of a sudden, 500,000 votes. Half a million for Joe Biden,” Golden said. “It’s coming from the machines and software; that’s what I feel, that’s my opinion from my research.”

Golden says he supports President Donald Trump, and does not like Biden’s ties with the Chinese Communist Party.

“Trump has turned the country around, he’s brought jobs back. Everybody for the last 50 years has been shipping jobs out of the country,” Golden said. The Chinese Communist Party, on the other hand, “would love to see the United States become a third world country,” he added. He believes with Biden in office the Chinese Communist Party would have a stronger foothold in the United States and Americans should not let this happen.

“People like you and people like me and people like them will support each other and let other people know that this is wrong,” Golden said. “The tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time and this may be the time. Because aren’t going to take this. This is a global takeover of the United States and we’re not going to take it.”

With reporting by Annie Wang.