Natalie Portman Has a Doppelganger

The “Black Swan” actress has a twin in...
Natalie Portman Has a Doppelganger

The “Black Swan” actress has a twin in Clyff, a Brooklyn native whose boyhood picture went viral after his girlfriend, Shannon Welch posted it on reddit.

As a 13-year-old boy, Clyff, now 24, has the same shoulder length hair, olive skin, big brown eyes features and beauty mark on the same cheek, eerily resembling the 40-year-old Portman.

Welch, 29, the original poster captioned the photo with, “This is my friend at age 13. He looked exactly like Natalie Portman,” and the 1.8 million people who have come across the photo seem to agree.

When I first started to meet his friends they would all ask if I'd seen his Natalie Portman photo.
Shannon Welch, girlfriend

“Holy [expletive], that’s cool, and the resemblance is uncanny. OP, you sure your friend isn’t Natalie’s long lost brother?” asked commenter, TheEpicTurban. Another commenter, EkansEater wrote, “BERSERKERRRRR.”

Welch pointed out she wasn’t the only one to have noticed the resemblance; Clyff’s friends did as well.  

“When I first started to meet his friends they would all ask if I'd seen his Natalie Portman photo. It was always the first thing everyone pointed out!”

According to Welch, Clyff isn’t embarrassed by the upload of his photo, who is reconnecting with old friends as a result of his newfound fame.

Last week, Kim Kardashian was seen with her doppelganger, Kamilla Osman, who both are reportedly working on a project together.