NASA Video: Hint of Universe’s Elusive Dark Matter

NASA Video: Hint of Universe’s Elusive Dark Matter

A new NASA video shows the most compelling hint of dark matter ever recorded.

Using raw data from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope, scientists isolated an excess of gamma-ray emissions from the center of our galaxy. After removing the gamma-rays emitted by known sources, the remainder is emanating from an unknown mechanism, and may be evidence of dark matter.

The video by NASA is an animation of the raw data superimposed on an image of the Milky Way, showing the gamma-ray emissions before and after removing known sources.

Dark matter is matter that is inferred to exist from gravitational effects on mass and calculations of total matter in galaxies. However, it would remain unseen thanks to the lack of emission of electromagnetic radiation at any significant level.

Scientists have not yet ruled out another mechanism causing the excess radiation, but have not yet thought of another compelling explanation.

Regardless of the emission’s source, when considering the recent discovery of gravitational waves, it seems astrophysicists are always making great strides in understanding our universe.