Moredays: A Pretty Startup with Potential

A San Francisco startup, which just opened in public beta, may have some solutions to being more productive without being too complicated.
Moredays: A Pretty Startup with Potential
Another skin, and aggregate actions.
Phil Butler
<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-160444" title="moredaysthumb" src="" alt=" Logo" width="210" height="210"/></a> Logo

Somewhere on the web, someone just gave up on a productivity tool. How can anyone be more productive, enjoy using organizational tools or platforms, if the whole process is too complicated? A San Francisco startup, which just opened in public beta, may have some solutions.

The development team at Moredays has created what they believe to be a better way to plan, organize and record one’s life. The bootstrapped San Francisco startup streamlines and beautifies organization, and adds in a dash of fun. A combination scrapbook-calendar, Moredays promises a lot, and has to go a long way to deliver.

Ups & Downs of Scrapbook Organizers

Filip Molcan, co-Founder and CEO of Moredays, describes his team’s mission best. He says, “Moredays solves a user’s pain by being far less complex, and a lot more fun than other calendars and productivity tools.”

Looking at Moredays’ design, it is easy to see aesthetics and a feel for art are prevalent. As the screenshot below shows, this development is heavily design-centric. This is true in the user experience as well. From “skinning” your personal dashboard to easy navigation, the development is relatively painless to adopt, minus some beta bugs inherent to any beta startup no matter how advanced. Remember that Google kept Gmail in beta for years before being confident enough to take the beta label down.

Aside Moredays’ artsy look and feel, the combination digital scrapbook-organizer & calendar is easier to use than more complex services and products like Evernote, Outlook, or similar, and somehow makes more sense.  Scheduling events, synchronizing with your Google Calendar, interacting with contacts, and so on, make the potential for effective time management possible.

<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-160445" title="1.3" src="" alt="1.3" width="590" height="343"/></a>

Add in cool stamps, image aspects, and even sketching (drawing) options, and Moredays is a unique tool many will enjoy using. The screen above also shows uses for Google maps in conjunction with calendar options.  Moredays’ tabs provide access to; sketcher, calendar, tasks, notes, contacts, inbox, and maps. Meanwhile, the image below shows notes on a trip to the Roman town Augusta Raurica, with images, Google map aspect, and specifics of the annotation. This element in turn, integrates with a user’s other notes and subjective tabs. Google Calendar and contacts synchronization takes the service to the next level.

<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-160446" title="1.4" src="" alt="An example of a note." width="590" height="333"/></a>
An example of a note.

Moredays’ positive aspects far outweigh the startup’s negative ones, at least for an early stage development. Bugs like map quirkiness, navigational dead ends, and other aspects related to profile preferences not working yet, make the tool a bit clunky for less savvy users. Overall, I found quite a lot of missing or conflicting feature utility.

<a href=""><img class="size-large wp-image-160447" title="1.5" src="" alt="Another skin, and aggregate actions." width="590" height="304"/></a>
Another skin, and aggregate actions.

Phil Butler is a publisher, editor, author, and analyst who is a widely cited expert on subjects from digital and social media to travel technology. He's covered the spectrum of writing assignments for The Epoch Times, The Huffington Post, Travel Daily News, HospitalityNet, and many others worldwide.
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