Officially, China’s National Health Commission announced on May 10 that there were 12 new cases in the entire country. But local governments reported more infections than that.
Leaked Document
The Epoch Times recently obtained an internal document belonging to the Heilongjiang health commission, in which a medical staff at the Qitaihe People’s Hospital (located in Qitaihe city) reported bad behavior by city authorities.The medical worker claimed that authorities purposely covered up the local outbreak.
The document, dated April 7, contained details of the medical staff’s accusations: “Now, more than 30 people diagnosed with COVID-19 are being treated at our hospital. But the government has only announced 16 infections.”
Because of the falsified and delayed reporting of data, close contacts of infected people could not be promptly identified and isolated, causing the outbreak to spread, the staff said.
The medical staff also claimed that the wife of the hospital’s deputy director was infected with the virus. The deputy director and wife did not tell the truth, and did not receive testing after visiting the hospital, which caused a large number of medical staff to be infected.
The staffer also alleged corruption. “The leaders at the Qitaihe city health commission were bribed [by manufacturers], and purchased poor-quality protective suits [for local hospitals]. The suits ripped easily, but we have to use them because we don’t have qualified ones.”
China’s National Health Commission announced that there were 12 virus patients newly diagnosed on May 9: 11 of them are from Shulan city in northern Jilin Province, and the other case is from Wuhan city in Hubei Province.The Wuhan case was an 89-year-old man. After he tested positive, his wife and five other residents in the same residential compound also tested positive and were counted as asymptomatic carriers.
The national figure did not capture all the diagnosed patients in China.
The commission said the patient was a 70-year-old man. He was infected at the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, where he was being treated for colon cancer, high blood pressure, and occupational lead poisoning.

Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning are three neighboring provinces in northeastern China.
The latest impacted area is Shulan in Jilin Province.On May 6, the woman developed symptoms and visited a hospital. On May 7, she was diagnosed.
The Shulan city government denied this information and said they were investigating.
On May 10, the city locked down all residential compounds and closed all schools again.
Owing to the pandemic, all schools in China did not open for the new semester after the Chinese New Year holiday. But in April, locales began easing lockdown measures and reopened school for some grades.
On May 8, Ezhou city in Hubei Province announced that a high school senior tested positive during a nucleic acid test and was confirmed to be an asymptomatic carrier.
The student had not traveled to another city, nor taken any public transportation, in recent months. Authorities said it was unclear how the student contracted the virus.
On April 30, a 14-year-old student died at the Xiangjun Future Experiment School in Changsha city, Hunan Province. On April 24, a 15-year-old student died in Dancheng city, Henan Province. And on April 14, a 16-year-old student died at the No. 2 Experiment Middle School in Wenzhou city, Zhejiang Province.