Video: These Animal Moms Will Make You Smile and Maybe Cry a Little Bit Too

Epoch Video

A mother’s love knows no boundaries. Our mothers raise us, feed us, nurture and love us. They help us make choices and decisions. They stand by us and they protect us. Animal mothers have those same natural instincts to ensure the well-being of their babies. From the urge to keep them safe to nurturing them with playful activities.

From protective geese fighting against a human in the road to a dog braving the foul weather to ensure all of her litter makes it to a dry safe place during the storm. The hen stands out in the rain to keep her chicks dry underneath her wings. Animals have been known to show a protective side when it comes to their children, particularly mammals.

Animal mothers also show other traits similar to human mothers, as you see a monkey holding the tail of a baby while trying to eat. Oh, the joys of parenthood and the juggling of activities. Other is a koala carrying their offspring, we know how tired young children can get.

When it comes to motherhood, it seems that regardless of the species, nurturing and caring run abundant. So does concern, self-sacrifice, and protectiveness.

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