Millard South High School Staff Shot by Student

Two administrators at Millard South High School in Omaha, Neb., were shot by a student, Wednesday.
Millard South High School Staff Shot by Student
[xtypo_dropcap]T[/xtypo_dropcap]wo administrators at Millard South High School in Omaha, Neb., were shot by a student, Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 5.

Robert Butler Jr., 17, son of an Omaha police detective, shot Principal Dr. Curtis Case and Vice Principal Dr. Vicki Kaspar.

Police were called to the school at 12:50 p.m., and the victims were rushed to the hospital. WOWT reported at 1:05 p.m. that Case was stable, while Kaspar’s condition was critical.

Butler was found dead in a car about a mile away from the school after shooting himself, Omaha police chief Alex Hayes said, according to AP.

Butler was a senior transfer student who started at Millard South in November. Kaspar had suspended him that morning, according to WOWT, for driving his vehicle across the school’s football field.

“I greatly affected the lives of the families ruined, but I’m sorry. Goodbye,” read part of an entry on Facebook by Butler.

Omaha Mayor Jim Suttle released a statement before heading to Millard South.

“Our immediate concern is about the safety of the students and teachers at the school,“ Suttle said, according to WOWT. ”It is our hope that citizens in the area will cooperate with the Omaha Police Department as they work to control activity at the scene and in the surrounding area.”

School students were dismissed around 2:40 p.m. to Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church, where parents waited for them.

Millard schools held counseling for parents and students, and special evening prayer services were held at Westside Church and Christ Community Church.