Miley Cyrus Gets a Tattoo, Is She Growing Up?

With her new tattoo and performances, is pop star Miley Cyrus shedding her “Hannah Montana” days and growing up?
Miley Cyrus Gets a Tattoo, Is She Growing Up?
Miley Cyrus on Dec. 5 in London. The teenage singer is causing some consternation among her fans - and their parents - for her grown-up behavior. (Ian Gavan/Getty Images)
<a><img src="" alt="Miley Cyrus on Dec. 5 in London. The teenage singer is causing some consternation among her fans - and their parents - for her grown-up behavior.  (Ian Gavan/Getty Images)" title="Miley Cyrus on Dec. 5 in London. The teenage singer is causing some consternation among her fans - and their parents - for her grown-up behavior.  (Ian Gavan/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1808443"/></a>
Miley Cyrus on Dec. 5 in London. The teenage singer is causing some consternation among her fans - and their parents - for her grown-up behavior.  (Ian Gavan/Getty Images)
Is pop star Miley Cyrus shedding her “Hannah Montana” days and growing up?

Her on- and off-screen performances last week in Florida seem to indicate to even her most adoring fans that their teen idol who just turned 17 on November 23 this year might be growing up.

Her performances have turned slowly into more adult fare: At the Wonder World performance on Dececember 2 in Tampa, which is part of her world tour, the teen singer is reported to have dropped all of her popular teen friendly songs, in favor of “The Climb,” “Girls Night Out” and “Party In The U.S.A.”

News Press, based in Fort Myers, FL, reported that her “dance performances were infused with a lot hair flipping and a few booty shakes. ”

But on December 4, outrage ensued online when various blogs posted photos snapped by paparazzi showing that she had a tattoo reading “Just breathe” while vacationing at Fontainebleau Resort in Miami Beach.

There are several stories regarding the reason for the tattoo. The New York Daily News quoted a young fan of hers, who said in a blog that the singer’s tattoo might be a tribute to a 9-year-old fan of Miley’s, Vanessa, who passed away in 2007 due to cystic fibrosis. However, this has yet to be confirmed.

While her most ardent fans are hoping that Cyrus can keep her more innocent presence that she portrays in “Hannah Montana,” her songs, and her performances, this week might prove that Cyrus is stepping out of that image just a bit more.