Microsoft Reaffirms “Your Email Belongs to You, Not Us” Amidst Privacy Legal Battle

Microsoft Reaffirms “Your Email Belongs to You, Not Us” Amidst Privacy Legal Battle

Microsoft has reaffirmed it’s stance on customer data privacy by stating in a recent blog post that “Your email belongs to you, not us”, following a ruling earlier this month that ordered the company to turn over customer emails stored on a server under their control in Dublin, Ireland.

Brendon Lynch, Chief Privacy Officer at Microsoft said of the decision:

So far the courts have sided with the U.S. government, but we are appealing the latest decision. This case could have important implications outside the U.S.  Other governments could demand emails held in datacenters outside their jurisdiction. In fact, earlier this month the British government passed a law asserting its right to require tech companies to produce emails stored anywhere in the world. This would include emails stored in the U.S. by Americans who have never been to the UK.


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Image: Original gavel image via Brian Turner / Flickr