Microsoft Announces ‘Clutter’ for Office 365, a Smarter Inbox (Video)

In Microsoft’s pursuit of making you more productive, they are re-thinking the traditional ways that we communicate, with email being at the center of this conversation. We’ve all been there before - our inbox is filled with content that isn’t important at this moment and trying to find the relevant information takes too much time.

In Microsoft’s pursuit of making you more productive, they are re-thinking the traditional ways that we communicate, with email being at the center of this conversation.

We’ve all been there before - our inbox is filled with content that isn’t important at this moment and trying to find the relevant information takes too much time.

To help make your inbox less of a mess and improve your productivity, Microsoft is announcing ‘Clutter’ that uses machine learning to help keep your inbox organized. 

By using Office Graph, Clutter can learn what types of emails you typically ignore and place them into sorted folders for viewing later.

You can watch the video at the top of this post to get a better idea of how Clutter work but the short of it is that, based on your habits, Clutter can learn what is junk and what is relevant.

By bringing forward the relevant content and moving the noise to the background, Clutter could be a powerful tool in the workplace... provided it doesn’t hide relevant or urgent material.

Republished with permission from NeowinRead full article.