Seven workers at a Mexican brewery owned by the makers of Corona died while cleaning a tank, Reuters Reported. Media reports have speculated that the workers inhaled toxic fumes, but the investigation into the accident is still underway.
In the United States very specific procedures are required to ensure the safety of workers entering a confined space. A confined space is defined as any area with a limited means entry or exit. Tanks, manholes, silos and storage areas are good examples.
The procedures, set forward by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), require that the quality of the air be tested before worker enter and be continuously monitored while workers are in the confined space.
Because so many goods destined for U.S. markets are manufactured in Mexico, OSHA has often partnered with Mexico to implement U.S. safety standards.
According to OSHA, most workplace accidents are avoidable and could have been prevented if safety protocol was in place.
A statement released by Grupo Modelo, who owns the Mexico City factory, said “Modelo is deeply sorry for this incident and will support the affected families permanently,” according to Reuters.
Anheuser-Busch InBev, owns 50 percent of Grupo Modelo and is currently in the process of acquiring the rest of the company according to the Financial Times.