Meteorologist Says Another Hurricane Could Hit

Anthony Farrell, a meteorologist for Global Toronto, made the journey to New York City from Canada to study the progress of Irene this weekend. He spent Saturday evening at Battery Park and Sunday Morning on Long Island.
Meteorologist Says Another Hurricane Could Hit
Anthony Farrell Robert Counts/The Epoch Times
Tara MacIsaac

<a><img src="" alt="Andrew Farrell, a meteorologist from Toronto, surveys the scene at Battery Park City Saturday afternoon. (Robert Counts/The Epoch Times)" title="Andrew Farrell, a meteorologist from Toronto, surveys the scene at Battery Park City Saturday afternoon. (Robert Counts/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1798617"/></a>
Andrew Farrell, a meteorologist from Toronto, surveys the scene at Battery Park City Saturday afternoon. (Robert Counts/The Epoch Times)

NEW YORK—Anthony Farrell, a meteorologist for Global Toronto, made the journey to New York City from Canada to study the progress of Irene this weekend. He spent Saturday evening at Battery Park and Sunday Morning on Long Island. 

He was sure the hurricane would cause havoc this weekend, but says Irene weakened as she tried to touch down, and remained elevated, unable to reach the surface. He noted a new hurricane forming off the coast of Africa. 

Computer-generated models show it will hit the eastern states, including New York City, around Sept. 10. 

“As you can see, it’s tough to predict these things a day in advance let alone weeks. So, who knows?” asked Farrell with a laugh. He is worried, however, that people won’t take it seriously after Irene’s performance. 

“Now the problem is, everybody thinks that this one was blown out of proportion, all the evacuations and the preparations. What happens for the next one when maybe it isn’t weakening as it moves in?” asked Farrell. 

Additional reporting by Charlotte Cuthbertson

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