Meta Glasses Makes You Feel Like Tony Stark (Video)


One of the vital aspects that’s been the root cause behind the progressive lifestyle of mankind is undoubtedly the thirst for better living. We never seem to be satisfied with the mode of living we are in and that’s precisely why we aren’t cave hunters anymore.

From being the pioneers in inventing fire, we’ve travelled all the way down to living in a world that’s thriving with technology today – 3D printing, augmented reality, robotics now being the new-gen wonders on our bucket list. Stanley Kubrick’s sci-fi vision doesn’t pose to be a far-fetched goal anymore. Neither does the incredible technology we’ve been awestruck with in movies like Iron Man.

Thanks to wearable tech, life’s now close to becoming a fantasy fiction novel we’ve only lived in our dreams before. While Google Glass dawned as one of the pioneers in this field, the latest craze has had a shift towards smartwatches post the introduction of Android Wear. But nevertheless, goggles have always had that special appeal in the world of wearables right from the beginning.

Be it the Atheer One or the Avegant Glyph, head-mounted form factors does have a superhero feeling attached with it. But all these are still nothing close to the stunning holographic interface from Meta that’s got the potential to unlock the magical world of human-computer interaction we’ve only seen Tony Stark master before.

Human Computer Interaction At Its Best

While unwanted controversies have been encircling Google Glass in recent times, the set of smart glasses from Meta has clearly marked the ideal combination of merging wearables with society. If you’ve seen the video above, you'll know why I say so. By incorporating the magnificence of holographic technology in their interface, Meta enables you to interact with all your digital devices right from your fingers.

Unlike the general world of smart glasses we’ve seen till date, this pair of eyewear also helps you naturally interact with your PC. You are now free to work with unlimited screens anywhere on the go. When speaking about Meta’s superpowers on WSJ, CEO Meron Gribetz had said, “Imagine a NASDAQ broker sitting in his booth and have charts displayed around his booth with no computer and to be able to interact with the graphs with your fingers.

An infinite number of possibilities arises when you realize that these bulky devices of the past; computer, tablet and even the phone; are no longer needed.” Meta’s exactly shaping such a future for you with augmented reality that wasn’t available before.

With its 3D HD display, you not only get to visualize a 40 degree field of view but is also able to access 15X the display area of a Google Glass. Having all the applications from your digital devices along with such a huge display area, Meta is definitely the kind of glass you'd want to wear instead of carrying all your hefty devices wherever you go.

That isn’t the peak yet! The technology from ZeroUI™ present in the glass enables you to be a creator on the go. Giving shape to your ideas is no longer limited to your sketchbooks, you can now create them into holograms in a matter of seconds and then 3D print them right from your fingertips. What a wonder to have on your eyes!

The Screen is 15X Bigger Than Google Glass

If you still wish to connect your Meta glasses to a computer, there’s a solution that will help you do so from your pockets itself. The Meta Pro Pocket Computer being a powerful pocket processor for your wearables sets another benchmark from this team who really seem to be on a mission of transforming the way we envision the world. To add to this, there’s the huge Meta App Store which is on its way to revolutionize the kind of experience you ought to have with this smart goggles on your eyes.

But inspite of all those fancy functionalities, the whole concept still boils down to one question amongst consumers – “How will I look when I wear it?” To this, Gribetz had made a statement on Wired saying, “We want to make it look like a pair of Ray Bans. [So] it looks exactly like what you’re wearing anyway. Is this a shirt or a digital shirt? Who knows.”

Now, with a Ray Bans like style on the face, who wouldn’t want to try such a masterpiece out? The first set of META Pro glasses are ready to be shipped this September, 2014, pre-orders for which are available on the site for $3,650. For those who are willing to conceptualize the world in a different style, Meta is definitely an ideal piece to have. Happy Gadgeting!


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