Meet The World’s Oldest Cat (Video)

Guinness World Records recently announced Scooter, a 30-year-old Siamese living in Texas, has been confirmed as the planet’s oldest living cat.
Epoch Video

The average life expectancy for a house cat is around 15 years, but a Texas feline named Scooter celebrated his 30th birthday in March. That’s not the only exciting event the Siamese has enjoyed as of late. Guinness World Records recently announced Scooter has been confirmed as the planet’s oldest living cat.

Owner Gail Floyd attributes the furry one’s longevity to a life filled with friends and fun. In addition to being quite active, Scooter has been to 45 of the 50 US states and takes regular trips to see family in an area nursing home.

He also has responsibilities around the house, including waking Gail up at 6 am and greeting her when she comes home at night.

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