Matt Damon’s Toilet Bowl ALS Ice-Bucket Challenge Video

Kristina Skorbach

Hollywood actor Matt Damon, finally took the plunge and completed the ALS Ice-Bucket Challenge after getting nominated by Ben Affleck and Jimmy Kimell. 

“It took me a while to get back, so I have to pay the fine which I will definitely do,” Damon said. One of the rules of the challenge is that those nominated must respond in 24 hours. The ALS Association has challenged everyone to donate to the cause or participate in the ice-bucket challenge, which required the person to dump a bucket full of ice-cold water over their head.  

The challenge went viral after many celebrities began posting videos of themselves pouring ice-cold water over themselves and nominating other celebrities. 

Damon explained that the challenge was problematic for him because not only there’s a drought in California, he’s also one of the founders of which is a nonprofit providing safe water in third world countries. 

Damon then walked over to a bucket filled with ice, scooped water from the toilet bowl and poured it into the bucket. 

“Dumping a bucket of clean water on myself seemed a little crazy... so I thought a good thing to do to tie those things together would be to take some toilet water,” he said. 

Damon then went outside and dumped the bucket on himself. 

Kristina Skorbach is a Canadian correspondent based in New York City covering entertainment news.
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