Mass Protests Force Scrapping of Chemical Plant in Chinese City

Residents in a Chinese coastal province tried to block the expansion of a chemical factory with massive protests over multiple days recently, despite harsh police suppression and a media blackout.
Mass Protests Force Scrapping of Chemical Plant in Chinese City
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The protester continued, explaining the treatment received: “There are many bloody bruises on my neck. My lips were bleeding. The police punched my head and forced me to squat on the ground. They forced me into a police vehicle. I began to vomit because of my head injury and no one did anything. They did not allow me to talk or make phone calls. Later they held me in Luotuo Police Station,” the protester said. 

Protesters displayed banners on Oct. 25 saying, “We want to live. Protect our homes and kick out poison. P-Xylene leave Zhenhai. Give us a clean city!”

Ningbo democratic activist Dai Jianwei told NTD, a Chinese-language television station, that the crowd was peaceful on Oct. 27, and some middle-aged and elderly residents were telling the police about the dangers of P-Xylene, especially to children.

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