Martha Stewart Opens Up About Sister’s, Laura Kostyra Plimpton, Death

Kristina Skorbach

In a blog post titled a “A Memorial For My Sister Laura” Martha Stewart, the television personality wrote that her younger sister Laura Kostyra Plimpton passed away on August 6, 2014, at the Norwalk Hospital. 

“Laura worked for me and the company for more than 25 years. For the past several years Laura edited, researched and often wrote, captioned and photographed content for this blog and ‘The Daily Wag,’” Stewart wrote in her post. 

Plimpton, 59, was said to have suffered a brain aneurism.

“She woke up Monday morning at 5:00 A.M. to do her daily one hour of elliptical and weight training. She made coffee for her husband Randy and they completed the New York Times crossword puzzle together. Then she took a shower and suddenly felt ill and called for Randy’s help. She was rushed to the hospital where they said she had suffered a massive brain aneurysm.”

“Laura left a living will so she was kept on life support until today so her three children could say their goodbyes, and the testing could be completed for organ donation. We are so sad but also happy that Laura had the foresight to donate so many healthy organs to needy people,” Stewart wrote.  

Plimpton’s husband Randy and her three children, Christopher Herbert, Sophie Herbert Slater, Charlie Plimpton, and two sons-in-law Timothy Long and Dan Slater have not yet released any statements. 

“Laura deserves the very best; she was an extraordinary mother, wife, and sister.”

Kristina Skorbach is a Canadian correspondent based in New York City covering entertainment news.
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