What If You Saw This on Your Vacation? Up Close and Personal with a Manatee

Epoch Video

Imagine you are on a beach vacation and saw an incredible mammal up close and personal and you aren’t even at the zoo! These beachgoers didn’t know what to think when a family of mammals came up close to the shore. People of all ages started running out to the water getting their cameras ready for a moment that could only happen once in a lifetime.

Manatees are often called “gentle giants” and they are harmless to people. This video is a clear depiction of that. The average manatee is about 10 feet long and weighs between 800 and 1,200 pounds. As you will see in this remarkable video, there isn’t one but many!

Manatees spend their time resting, eating, and they are very slow moving as you will see. The beachgoers were surprised and didn’t know what to think. Since they are mammals, they have to breathe at the surface of the water, so everyone got to get a good look at them.

The ocean is truly an incredible place and you never know what you might see just like those people. Manatees do no harm to humans and I bet these vacationers left their trip with a great memory.

Credit: JukinVideo
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