Video: Man Furiously Battles to Reel in a MASSIVE Fish in Florida

Epoch Video

John Wisdom went on a trip to Florida with his wife Lynzi, and the trip turned out to be an adventurous one, as he literally had to wrestle a massive fish.

On a bright day, they decided to go fishing and John was lucky enough to feel a pull on his fishing line. His bait was able to catch a fish so big that it required a lot of strength to pull the fish. The pull on the line was so strong and that John involuntarily followed the direction of the fish, as it dragged him along.

The fish refused to let go, but what the fish did not know was that John wasn’t ready to let go too. It was quite a battle! Eventually, after the two both fought with all their might, the fish started to tire out, allowing John to reel the fish in. John entered the water to see his opponent and discovered that it is a huge Silver King Tarpon. John unhooked the fish, took a picture to commemorate the fight, said his goodbye, and released it back into the water.

Credit: Lynzi Wisdom via storyful

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